Controlling My Adult ADHD!


  • About 8,000,000 school children have been diagnosed with ADHD. There are estimates that 70% have inherited ADHD from a parent or relative. School systems can require children to be evaluated for ADHD, but employers and others cannot require observation and testing for adults.
  • There are three different types of ADHD: “hyperactive,” “inattentive,” and “combined.” Most children diagnosed with “Hyperactive ADHD” are boys; children diagnosed with “Inattentive ADHD” are girls. Most adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD have “Combined ADHD.”
  • This download shows what is happening in the brains of adults to cause their ADHD.
  • On the negative side, adults with ADHD usually have certain inappropriate behaviors. There are descriptions of the behaviors and worksheets to help reducing them with time and practice.
  • On the positive side, adults with ADHD may have a “super-power,” known as “hyperfocus.” The download includes preparation-sheets to guide hyperfocus sessions for important projects.
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When I prepared the programs for boys and girls with Hyperactive ADHD and Inattentive ADHD, I learned that about 70% of them also had a parent or relative with ADHD. In general, these adults showed aspects of both brain health challenges. The program shows how both dopamine and norepinephrine are created and flow into the frontal cortex, the thinking area of the brain.

Relaxing all of the muscle groups of the body reduces interruptions in awareness and thinking, so the program includes a complete set of muscle relaxation and mental visualization exercises. Then the typical inappropriate ADHD behaviors are listed to clarify how often the patients experience them. Monthly worksheets ask the adults to verify how often these behaviors occur and how successful they are in reducing inappropriate behaviors.

In the past, adult ADHD was thought to grow from a negative lack of control. More recently, positive results have also been identified. Adults with ADHD often display more risky behaviors, more divorces, and more may die in accidents. Currently, adults with ADHD have also been shown to be more capable with multitasking and bringing broader connections and ideas into their work. Adults with ADHD are especially capable of what is called, “hyperfocus,” which offers better-focused and extended studies of ideas, programs, and challenges. The program includes worksheets for planning for sessions of hyperfocus to develop goals and ideas more efficiently.

Like most aspects of life, there are negative and positive approaches to learning and doing. This download can help adult ADHD patients build more positive and rewarding lives.

Disclaimers: No drugs are included. This program has not been medically reviewed. This program can supplement drugs or replace failed drugs. If you have a care-provider, please consult that person about the program.


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