About Us

is here.
Jim Lohr taught speech courses at Iowa State University, but after seven years of diligent work, he was fired. He developed depression. With a supportive wife and treatment he recovered. He served as a local insurance agent in Ames, Iowa, for 32 years. He retired at the end of 2009. He believes that at the end of 2020, the Lord inspired him to develop a website to help others struggling with “mental illness”- “brain health.”

About Brain Health Diagnoses
Doctors do not have time to explain brain health diagnoses fully. The red section of the website provides 200 diagnoses. By clicking any diagnosis’s title, patients can read Wikipedia’s description, find drugs at lower prices and support groups, see titles of videos on Youtube and books on Amazon, learn which diagnoses may provide special tutoring at school and disability income. Doctors and researchers see the first page of description in the DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, and the four most recent research abstracts on the diagnosis from PubMed. The articles from Wikipedia and the abstracts from PubMed are updated daily by internet-aggregators.

About Lohr’s Own Downloads
Lohr has also created several new approaches to brain health and education. The blue section offers Lohr’s original downloads for several brain health challenges: pain, depression, and ADHD. From his background in education Lohr adapted muscle relaxation and mental visualization to reduce pain, depression, and ADHD. He built downloads to reduce anxieties about public speaking, taking tests, and job interviews. As a credentialed parliamentarian, he built a download for preparing and chairing effective public meetings.
Check out our Medical Downloads in the Blue Box
Check out our Educational Downloads in the Blue Box

Credentials and Hopes
Lohr earned his degrees from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, South Dakota State University and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Jim and his wife, Mary, happily married for more than 50 years, live in Ames, Iowa. Lohr hopes this website with free information and inexpensive downloads will help patients with brain health needs recover, professionals find more effective treatments, and the public overcome remaining prejudices.
This website became reality through the work of Championship Productions, Ames, Iowa. Darryl Bennett, (Vice President), suggested using Aggregators to keep the Wikipedia and PubMed entries updated daily. Patrick N. Davison, (Web Designer), implemented my requests thoroughly, efficiently and provided skills of his own.