Drug & Medicine Discount Services

Providers in Alphabetical Order Phone Method Based In
Good Rx (Good Rx.com) 1-855-268-2822 Provides coupons for up to 75,000 US pharmacies. California
Optum (perks.optum.com) 1-866-407-8901 Discount cards/mail deliveries for up to 64,000 pharmacies. Michigan
Rx Saver (rx.saver.com) By Internet Website and mobile app; savings on 6000 prescriptions Unknown
Singlecare.com 1-844-234-3057 Coupons, savings card, 35,000+ pharmacies/not on holidays Unknown
Well RX.com 1-800-407-8156 9am-8pm (EST-M-F) Savings Card, 65,000 pharmacies Unknown

Others may be available.