We become depressed when our minds are overwhelmed by regrets about our past or fears about our future. We think too often about adverse childhood experiences we cannot change. We keep hearing bombs exploding which maimed us or killed our buddies. Vicious mobs fill our media and we cannot stop them nor find ways to rebuild peace.
Our amygdala, evolved from our reptile brain, keeps warning us to protect us from dangers. Our prefrontal cortex, our decision-maker in the front of our brain, fails to quiet these constant warnings. We lose the focus on our actual environment to think and work productively. Medicines may relieve tension, but only work below our conscious thoughts.
Lifting My Depression builds three strengths. Muscle relaxation exercises improve our conscious thinking by quieting distracting thoughts floating automatically up the spinal column. Explanations describe how our prefrontal cortex focuses on stimuli from the senses when it is healthy, but now has been stopped by unconsciously generated worries from the amygdala when it is depressed. Consciously repeating the program’s mental visualizations releases past regrets and future anxieties to rebuild the automatic control of our prefrontal cortex until we automatically stay in the present.
No drugs are included: but not medically reviewed. This program can supplement drugs or may replace failed ones. If you have a care-provider, please consult before using this program.
The first few times play the program continuously to understand it fully. After that, play the steps you need to practice until the thoughts and actions come automatically when depressing thoughts arise
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