Taming My Hyperactive ADHD!


  • There are approximately six million students, mostly boys, who have been diagnosed with
    Hyperactive ADHD.
  • Many researchers believe that the neurochemical, “dopamine,” is not regulated well in the brain
  • Medication supplying similar chemicals can help the student remain calm and less active during
    a typical school day. On average, a classroom often has at least two students who have been
    diagnosed with hyperactivity, so the students’ compliance is beneficial for the school.
  • This download shows what happens in the brain, how that affects behaviors, and ways parents
    can provide caring structure at home to help improving behaviors.
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I first became aware of hyperactive ADHD through the concern of a parent for her son. Out of concern, the parent had resisted medication as far as she could. An earlier version of this program helped the boy deal with his time in school more effectively and he was less-frequently aroused at home.

Some investigators question whether hyperactivity is caused exterior factors, such as difficulty tolerating rigid school discipline and increasingly higher expectations for learning as the child ages. This download shows interior factors: what happens in the child’s brain, muscle relaxation exercises to reduce physical tension, and supportive activities at home providing closer monitoring of the child’s behaviors. It also includes mental visualization exercises which may help the child generate more dopamine.

It is important that parents and other adults remain as patient and supportive as possible. The child is not disobeying them intentionally; his brain works differently from other children. The hyperactivity is not the child’s “fault.” There is guidance for modifying the child’s behavior at home. There are monthly worksheets helping to learn appropriate behaviors. Caring parents and other adults can provide supportive guidance for children whose brains work differently from their peers.

Disclaimers: No drugs are included. This program has not been medically reviewed. This program can supplement drugs or replace failed drugs. If you have a care-provider, please consult that person about the program.


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