Specific Phobia
Resources for Patients and Caregivers
Specific phobia is an intense, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger. Although adults with phobias may realize that these fears are irrational, even thinking about facing the feared object or situation brings on severe anxiety symptoms.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: 46 Specific Phobia
US Patients: 10% extreme avoidance of someone or something
World Patients: 12% sometime in life
Sex Ratio: M1;W2
Age Onset: Children diagnosed with a specific phobia are likely to have life-long psychological problems.
Brain Area:May have inceased autonomic nervous-muscle tension, sweating or desire to leave the situation.
Symptoms: an anxiety disorder with irrational fear linked to a specific object or situation.
Progression: These affect work, daily routines and relationships. They may show discomfort, fear or panic.
Medications: Some medications are used.
Therapies: cognitive, exposure, flooding, modeling, or systematic desensitization.
Youtube Video:
How A Specific Phobia Evolves
Youtube Video:
The 9 Most Common Phobias
Youtube Phobia:
Child Specific Phobia Disorders
Youtube Video: Specific Phobias
Amazon or Library Book: Overcoming Specific Phobia
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Resources for Physicians, Counselors and Researchers
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reports chosen for each diagnosis
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