Night Eating Syndrome
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW135
Diagnosis: Night Eating Syndrome
US Patients: 1-2%; approximately 10% of obese persons
World Patients:
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset:
Brain Area: Reduced serotonin in the brain may be a factor
Symptoms: lack of morning appetite; urges to eat at night; belief in needing to eat to fall back asleep; depression;
difficulty sleeping
Progression: likely have 25+% of calories consumed after the evening meal; occurs more than twiceor more per week
Causes: The person is fully awake while eating, this is not “sleep-eating.”
Therapies: Eating foods high in serotonin (bananas) or tryptophan (turkey) , but these do not affect serotonin or
tryptophan in the brain
Youtube Video: Night Eating Syndrome: The Solution
Amazon or Library Book: Night Eating Syndrome:
Why You Eat To Fall Asleep & 30-Day Food Journal
Click the book to link or buy from Amazon.
Support Group:; 800-931-2237
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