Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2025 Mar 2. doi: 10.1002/ar.25613. Online ahead of print.


Prokinesis-in which a craniofacial joint allows the rostrum to move relative to the braincase-is thought to confer diverse advantages in birds, mostly for feeding. A craniofacial joint would, however, be a weak link if cranial stability is important. Paradoxically, we have identified a craniofacial joint in helmeted hornbills (Rhinoplax vigil), birds known for violent head-butting behavior. To understand how the helmeted hornbill balances the competing demands of kinesis and collision, we combine manual craniofacial joint manipulation, skull micro-computed tomography (μCT) and articular raycasting, also comparing our data with μCT scans of 10 closely-related species that do not aggressively head-butt. The helmeted hornbill boasts a particularly massive casque, a distinctive upper mandible protrusion fronting the braincase; the craniofacial joint is immediately caudal to this, a standard prokinetic hinge joint position, at the dorsal border of braincase and upper mandible. However, whereas the craniofacial joint in all bucerotiform bird species we examined was only a slender bridge, the helmeted hornbill’s joint is exceptionally reinforced. Raycasting analyses revealed high correspondence between the extremely broad joint facets, with reciprocal topographies of braincase and casque fitting like complex puzzle pieces. The result is a joint with a single degree of freedom and limited range of motion, increasing the gape when elevated, but conversely stable when depressed. With the dense network of bony trabeculae in the casque also funneling back to this joint, we infer that the damaging effects of high cranial impact are mitigated, not by dissipating impact energy, but through a skull architecture with a prodigious safety factor.

PMID:40025805 | DOI:10.1002/ar.25613