Rev Salud Publica (Bogota). 2023 May 1;25(3):104060. doi: 10.15446/rsap.V25n3.104060. eCollection 2023 Jun.


OBJECTIVE: Identify the prevalence of suicide and carry out an educational initiative with adolescents from a public school to strengthen Life Skills (HPV) that allow them to face critical situations in daily life.

MATERIAL AND METHOD: Study conducted from September 2017 to July 2018, with a quantitative and qualitative approach and educational initiative with pre-posttest measurements of a single group, in first-year high school students from a public school located in Morelos. Two questionnaires were applied 1) Questionnaire of Psychosocial Indicators for Depression and Suicidal Risk and 2) Questionnaire of HpV, in addition to focus groups (FG) and ethnographic registry. Twelve educational sessions focused on four HPVs were held.

RESULTS: 26 students participated. The prevalence of suicide ideation and attempt was 12.5% (95% CI 3.5-28.9). There was statistical significance in the ability “Self-knowledge” for men and women, in addition to the latter in “Managing emotions” and “Global Scores”. In the FG it was established that the HPVs were supporting them in their daily life.

CONCLUSIONS: Working with adolescents through the HpV proposal, provides them with elements for a better management of daily life and can contribute to the prevention of suicidal behavior.

PMID:40099294 | PMC:PMC11648379 | DOI:10.15446/rsap.V25n3.104060