Medicine (Baltimore). 2025 Feb 28;104(9):e41671. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000041671.
The purpose of the study was to examine the association between depression and substance abuse and to assess their prevalence and associated factors. A cross-sectional design was employed. To collect data for the present study, 2 scales (Beck depression inventory and Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement screening Test [ASSIST]) was administered to students. Two hundred fifty seven Addis Ababa Institute of Technology final year regular undergraduate students were participated. The results revealed that a high correlation was found between depression and substance abuse. The prevalence of depression is 27.2%. Similarly, the prevalence of alcohol abuse, khat abuse, cigarette abuse and cannabis abuse are 25.5%, 17.7%, 9.5%, and 3.3% respectively. Hence, the overall substance abuse prevalence is 14%. Alcohol is most abused drug followed by khat abuse. Cigarette and cannabis abuse take the 3rd and 4th rank respectively. Multivariate test of significance reveals that gender, religion and the interaction of gender with religion, residence, and ethnicity had an effect on the two combined dependent measures. Females are more depressed than males. In turn, males are more substance abusers than females. The researchers suggested that the university to establish its own substance abuse prevention and treatment working center which is open for psychologists, therapist and other health workers.
PMID:40020139 | DOI:10.1097/MD.0000000000041671
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