
Claustrophobia is the irrational fear of confined spaces.

Some people with claustrophobia experience mild anxiety when in a confined space, while others have severe anxiety or a panic attack. The most common experience is a feeling or fear of losing control.


Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W043
Diagnosis: Claustrophobia
US Patients:
World Patients: 5-10%
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset:
Brain Area: Smaller amygdala, fight-flight response
Symptoms: fear confined spaces: elevators, windowless rooms, hotel rooms, small cars, tight-necked clothing, MRI machine
Progression: may result in severe panic attacks
Causes: fear of suffocation-release of adrenaline for an autonomic response; fear of restriction
Medications: None listed.
Therapies: 30%- cognitive therapy, convincing that the situation was not dangerous; exposure, 75%; virtual reality

Youtube Video: 5 Steps to Stop Claustrophobia

Amazon or Library Book: Panic Free: The 10-Day Program

to End Panic, Anxiety and Claustrophobia

Click the book to link or order from Amazon.

Support Group:; 800-9500-6264;

National Alliance on Mental Illness


The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis 

Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.

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