NCHS Data Brief. 2024 Oct;(514).


INTRODUCTION: This report describes the percentage of teenagers ages 12â17 who self-reported that they were bullied in the past 12 months, by selected characteristics.

METHODS: Data between July 2021 and December 2023 from the National Health Interview SurveyâTeen were used for this analysis. Point estimates and the corresponding confidence intervals were calculated using SAS-callable SUDAAN software to account for the complex sample design of NHISâTeen. Differences between percentages were evaluated using two-sided significance tests at the 0.05 level.

KEY FINDINGS: During July 2021 to December 2023, 34.0% of teenagers were bullied in the last 12 months. Sexual and gender minority teenagers were more likely to be bullied (47.1%) than teenagers who are not a sexual or gender minority (30.0%). White non-Hispanic teenagers were more likely to be bullied compared with teenagers in other race and Hispanic-origin groups. Teenagers with a developmental disability were more likely to be bullied than teenagers without a developmental disability. Teenagers who were bullied were nearly twice as likely to experience symptoms of anxiety (29.8%) or depression (28.5%) in the last 2 weeks when compared with teenagers who were not bullied.
