Somatic Symptom Disorder
Somatic symptom disorder involves a person having a significant focus on physical symptoms, such as pain, weakness or shortness of breath, that results in major distress and/or problems functioning. The individual has excessive thoughts, feelings and behaviors relating to the physical symptoms.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW210
Diagnosis: Somatic Symptom Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset: adolescence
Brain Area:
Symptoms: medical problems, not explained by medicalcause, with excessive worry about the conditions, false pregnancies, mass hysteria,
Progression: psychogenic urinary retention
Medications: antidepressants
Therapies: CBT may help reduce stress, cope with preoccupation with symptoms, physical symptoms, depression, improve quality of life
Youtube Video: Body Talk: Stories of Somatization
Amazon or Library Book: The Body Keeps Score
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,
Section 12.07.
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis
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PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- Palmitoylethanolamide supplementation for human health: A state-of-the-art systematic review of Randomized Controlled Trials in patient populationsby R Bortoletto on January 22, 2025
Interest in preventative dietary interventions for human health has increasingly focused on the endocannabinoid (eCB)-like compound palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), a bioactive lipid mediator with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties. This Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020-compliant systematic review aimed at collecting and comprehensively discussing all available data from Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) evaluating the...
- Global research status and trends of somatic symptom disorder: A bibliometric studyby Chao Yang on January 20, 2025
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the main research hotspots and frontiers in the field of SSD are validity and reliability of the SSD criteria, functional impairment of SSD, and the treatment for SSD. More high-quality studies are needed to assess the diagnosis and treatment of SSD.
- Internet-delivered emotional awareness and expression therapy for somatic symptom disorder: one year follow-upby Henrik Hallberg on January 20, 2025
CONCLUSION: I-EAET seems to have positive long-term effects for somatic symptom disorder. Larger studies with controls and comparisons to other treatments are needed.
- Emotion processing of facial affect expression in patients with somatic symptom disorder with predominant pain - an EEG-studyby Eva Metzen on January 18, 2025
Despite their high prevalence, somatoform pain disorders are often not recognized early enough, not diagnosed reliably enough and not treated appropriately. Patients often experience a high level of suffering and the feeling of not being understood. For the medical care system, the symptoms represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Having the aim to get a better understanding of the disease, this study investigated the patients' emotion processing. In addition, the influence of surgical...