Schizoid Personality Disorder
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW194
Diagnosis: Schizoid Personality Disorder
US Patients: 1-4% (unclear if that is of the general or psychiatric patient %), poorly studied, because few with the problem seek treatment.
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M+;F
Age Onset:
Brain Area:
Symptoms: uninterested in social relationships, detachment, apathy; a rich internal fantasy world. Feels like an “observer” in life, asexual.
Progression: The are commonly bullied; often consider suicide but few attempt it. Little self-disclosure or social intimacy. Creative thinkers.
Causes: Is preoccupied with inner experience; does not desire “limiting” social relationships. perfectionistic, 50% heritable.
Medications: antipsychotics to alleviate social defects and blunted affect, part of the schizophrenic spectrum; bupriopion
Therapies: Helping them learn about their emotions-if they want to to develop commonalities and feel and be more “connected” with others
Youtube Video: What is Schizoid Personality Disorder
Amazon or Library Book: Wounded Personalities
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Support Group:
(Schizophrenia Action Alliance)
Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,
Section 12.08.
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