Restless Legs Syndrome
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW187
Diagnosis: Restless Legs Syndrome (
US Patients: 2-15% of the population, higher %s when along with some other difficulties.
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M;F2
Age Onset: “Early Onset RLS” hereditary, starts before age 45 and worsens over time. Late-onset RLS starts suddenly after 45, doesn’t worsen’
Brain Area: genetic, autosomal dominant (only needs gene from one parent)
Symptoms: Long term-urging leg (and sometimes arm) movement; sensation/pain begins while awake but relaxing.
Progression: worsened by any surgery, but especially back surgery or injury
Causes: “motor restlessness” – worsen by relaxation, iron deficiency, dopamine changes, reduced leg-oxygen levels, some medications
Medications: gabapentin, opioids – when resistant to other medications
Therapies: regular exercise, good sleep practices, stopping smoking; stretching legs and walking bring temporary relief
Youtube Video:
Restless Leg Syndrome
Youtube Video: Kids Not Sleeping-Restless Legs Might Be The Problem
Amazon or Library Book: Restless Legs Syndrome
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Support Group:; 512-366-9109 (Restless Legs Foundation)
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosisÂ
Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- Restless head syndrome: A retrospective studyby Sanjay Prakash on March 21, 2025
CONCLUSION: If RLS-related unpleasant sensations and pain are felt in the head, they may be misinterpreted as headache, dizziness, or psychosomatic symptoms. RLS and headaches in a subset of patients may be two phenotypic manifestations of the same disorder.
- Association of Sleep Disruption With Daytime Sleepiness in Patients With Restless Legs Syndromeby Sofiene Chenini on March 20, 2025
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) often complain of nighttime hyperarousal which can be severe. Whether nocturnal hyperarousal is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) remains understudied. This study aimed to compare the frequencies of self-reported and objective EDS between patients with RLS and controls, and to identify factors associated with EDS.
- Clinical features, plasma neurotransmitter levels and plasma neurohormone levels among patients with early-stage Parkinson's disease with sleep disordersby Cui-Hong Ma on March 19, 2025
CONCLUSION: Combined sleep disturbances are common in early-stage PD. Dysautonomia is closely related to various sleep disorders, including RBD, EDS, and insomnia. Changes in peripheral neurotransmitter and neurohormone levels may be involved in the development of sleep disorders.
- Association of restless legs syndrome and obesity: A sub-population of the MASHAD cohort studyby Azam Vafaei on March 19, 2025
CONCLUSION: There was a significant association between BMI and RLS. A BMI>30 kg/m² increased the odds of RLS by 1.50 times in the study population.