Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW173
Diagnosis: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
US Patients: 3.5% in a given year; 3.9% over a life-time;
World Patients: Much higher where wars have occurred.
Sex Ratio: M;W+. After rape, about 19% develop PTSD
Age Onset: less likel to develop PTSD if traumatic event occurs before age 10;
Brain Area: women with smaller hippocampi; more norepinephrine; brain shrinkage, but hyperactive amygdala.
Symptoms: after a traumatic event, thoughts, dreams, mental or physical distress, changes in thought, increased fight-flight, self-harm, suicide
Progression: intrusive, recurrent recollections, flashbacks, and nightmares; depression, anxiety and mood disordersl drug or alcohol abuse
Causes: previous rape or child abuse; war, refugee status; death of a loved one; cancer, heart attack, stroke;child in chronic illness’s parents
Medications: antidepresssants and SSRI’s help 50%;
Therapies: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing helped 50% in children and adolescents.
Youtube Video: 3 Ways to Manage PTSD Triggers
Amazon or Library Book: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Workbook
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Support Group:; 800-662-4357
(U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,
Section 12.15.
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis
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PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- A socially prescribed creative play intervention for new parents: investigating post traumatic stress around birth and changes in postnatal depression and reflective functionby Paige E Davis on March 24, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: Socially prescribed creative play programmes for new parents could be a "waiting well" intervention. A longer duration and trauma informed focus would need to be considered in future cohorts.
- Prevalence and associated factors of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder among trauma patients: multi-centered cross-sectional studyby Eden Alemayehu Gebresenbet on March 24, 2025
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: The study revealed high levels of depression and post- traumatic stress disorder among trauma patients. Targeted interventions addressing socio-demographic disparities, such as income and education levels, alongside psychosocial support, are imperative.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder in postpartum period: clinical relevance, measurement opportunitiesby Renáta Kovács-Berta on March 23, 2025
A perinatalis időszakban a pszichés egészséget érintő zavarok közül kiemelkedően gyakori és iteratív módon a kutatások középpontjában álló kórkép a szülés utáni depresszió és szorongás. Kevésbé kerül azonban reflektorfénybe a szülés utáni és kiemelten a szülés során átélt élmények nyomán kialakuló poszttraumás stressz-zavar (PTSD). Korábban a poszttraumás stressz-zavart főként a háborús helyzetekhez kötötték, de ma már ismert, hogy különböző, az egyén számára traumatikusnak ítélt események –...
- Uncoupling serotonin (2C) and dopamine (D2) receptor heterodimers ameliorate PTSD-like behaviorsby Weifen Li on March 23, 2025
CONCLUSION: These findings revealed a causative role of D2R/5-HT2CR hetero-dimer in PTSD and could be reversed by TAT-D2R-KL treatment.