Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder
Passive-aggressive behaviors are those that involve acting indirectly aggressive rather than directly aggressive. Passive-aggressive people regularly exhibit resistance to requests or demands from family and other individuals often by procrastinating, expressing sullenness, or acting stubborn.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW155
Diagnosis: Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset: Childhood and beyond into adulthood
Brain Area:
Symptoms: Pervasive pattern of negative attitudes and passive resistance to expectations of adequate performance.
Progression: Persons typically procrastinate, covertly obstruct, are inefficient and stubborn, but nice when they wish to be.
Causes: A childhood were expressions of frustration or anger was not allowed. Children repressed honest feelings.
Medications: None listed.
Therapies: Depending on the behaviors, therpists should use psychodynamic, supportive, cognitive, behavioral & interpersonal methods.
Youtube Video: Understanding Passive-Aggressive Behavior
Amazon or Library Book: Overcoming Passive Aggression
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
The world-wide medical research
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- Antisocial Personality Disorder in Mexican Women: A Study of Sociodemographic Variables and Comorbid Mental Disordersby Gala Paulina Sanchez Goddard on March 5, 2025
CONCLUSION: Research on APD and its comorbidities in women is limited, especially in Mexico, where women with APD show similar patterns to those in developed countries. This suggests the need for gender-specific interventions and a dimensional approach to improve the diagnosis and treatment of APD.
- Unveiling Hidden Trauma: A Cross-Sectional Study of Violence Exposure and Its Impacts on Entrapment, Self-Stigma and Empathic Care Among Psychiatric Nursesby Mohamed Hussein Ramadan Atta on February 22, 2025
CONCLUSION: These results underscore the importance of addressing aggression in psychiatric settings to promote the well-being and professional functioning of nurses.
- Personality traits and physical activity in patients with gambling disorder attending a rehabilitation center. An observational studyby Inmaculada Fierro on November 27, 2024
CONCLUSION: This study found a link between personality traits and physical activity levels in patients with GD. Gamblers with higher scores on obsessive-compulsive and self-destructive personality traits were more likely to fall into the moderate-high physical activity group. In contrast, those with higher scores on antisocial and borderline personality traits were more likely to be classified in the low physical activity group.
- Exploring the psychopathological profile of fibromyalgia: insights from the personality assessment inventory and its association with disease impactby Andrea Doreste on September 27, 2024
CONCLUSION: Recognizing psychopathological aspects is crucial for managing FM. The PAI is a valuable tool for establishing its psychopathological multidimensional profile, which predominantly shows an affective spectrum conditions and comorbid Cluster C personality disorder, exacerbating the disease's impact.