Pain Disorder
Pain disorder is chronic pain experienced by a patient in one or more areas, and is thought to be caused by psychological stress. The pain is often so severe that it disables the patient from proper functioning.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW149
Diagnosis: Pain Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M;F+
Age Onset: Children
Brain Area:
Symptoms: Chronic pain thought to be caused by psychological stress; after accident, during illness, after drug withdrawal – but pain continues
Progression: After the pain should be gone, it increases due to attention or benefits for it.
Medications: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, trigger-point injections, surgical ablations
Therapies: CBT-talk to retrain behaviors. Lohr’s “Calming My Pain!” DVD or Download (offered on this website) may help if used as requested.
Youtube Video: Pain and the Brain
Amazon or Library Book: When Children Feel Pain
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Jim Lohr’s own “Calming My Pain” can be downloaded
from the “Blue Box” on this website.
You can download this program from the “Blue Box”
in the right column of the website.
Support Group:; 800-910-0664
(U. S. Pain Foundation)
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis
Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- Somatic symptom disorder in patients with myocardial bridge: cross-sectional study in Chinaby Zhengyu Tao on March 24, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings emphasise the high prevalence and severity of SSD among patients with myocardial bridge. The screening for SSD should be of particular concern, especially among female patients.
- DSM-5 genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder: Prevalence, comorbidities, and associated factors in university studentsby Anna-Carlotta Zarski on March 24, 2025
CONCLUSION: One in eight female students displays subclinical GPPPD, and 2 % meet full DSM-5 criteria. Future multinational longitudinal studies with standardized measures are needed to compare prevalence rates across countries and identify risk and protective factors for targeted prevention and treatment of GPPPD.
- Psychopathological Symptoms of Individuals Recently Bereaved During COVID-19 Pandemic: Symptom Profiles, Predictive Factors and Correlations With Insomniaby Wenli Qian on March 23, 2025
CONCLUSION: Distinct psychopathological patterns emerged among recently bereaved individuals during the pandemic, with PGD symptoms being particularly prominent. Tailored strategies may help address distinct symptom profiles and co-morbid symptoms within bereavement care.
- Unmasking Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome/Extrapontine Myelinolysis in Acute Intermittent Porphyria: Preventable Complications-Challenges in Diagnosis and Managementby Vykuntaraju K Gowda on March 22, 2025
Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is a dominant mendelian disorder caused due to deficiency of the enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase. It classically presents with pain abdomen, hypertensive crisis, electrolyte imbalance, mostly hyponatremia, and neuropsychiatric involvement. We report a case of a 12-year-old boy with AIP who experienced an acute crisis and later developed altered sensorium and seizures. Upon evaluation, he was found to have severe hyponatremia, which was secondary to the...