Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW139
Diagnosis: Obsessive-Compuslive Personality Disorder
US Patients: Most commonly diagnosed personality disorder
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M2;W in diagnoses
Age Onset:
Brain Area:
Symptoms: obsessed with rules, order, perfectionism
Progression: Perfectionism, inability to delegate, rigidity and stubborness are stable; miserly spending and devotion to productivity.
Causes: Parents who provided necessities, but not wants nor desires may be factors, including 50% heredity.
Therapies: CBT, especially group CBT shows less anxiety and depression, increased extraversion and agreeableness, reduced neuroticism.
Youtube Video: Perfectionism vs. OCPD vs. OCD
Amazon or Library Book:
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Click the book to link or buy from Amazon.
Support Group: icodf.org; 617-973-5801 (International OCD Foundation – This website has a meeting directory.)
Contact your school for Special Education under the U. S. Department of Education’s individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 300.8.
Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,
Section 12.08.
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis
Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- Borderline personality disorder in Trichotillomania and skin picking disorder: a survey studyby Jon E Grant on December 19, 2024
CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest relatively high rates of borderline personality disorder in people with BFRBs, in turn linked to more severe psychopathology and elevated lifetime suicide attempt risk. Perhaps the comorbidity with borderline personality disorder reflects a possible subtype of these behaviors that is more impulsive and may necessitate different treatment approaches.
- Self-other distinction and schizotypy: Affect sharing and alexithymia in the prediction of socially anxious and avoidant traitsby Clare M Eddy on December 19, 2024
Social cognition may play a central role in many schizotypal personality characteristics, such as suspiciousness, constricted affect, social anxiety, and lack of close relationships. This study investigated how factors relevant to self-other distinction (i.e., emotion contagion and personal distress) were related to social schizotypal personality traits, in two experiments involving healthy young adults. Subclinical depressive symptoms, alexithymia, and obsessive-compulsive traits, were explored...
- Child Abuse and Neglect and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits: Effects of Attachment, Intolerance of Uncertainty, and Metacognitionby Emily Gray on December 17, 2024
Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) is extensively implicated as a risk factor preceding the development of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits (OCPT). Nevertheless, the majority of individuals with a history of CAN do not go on to develop OCPT. To date, little research has investigated potential model networks that may help contribute to explaining why CAN sometimes leads to OCPT and not at other times. Thus, this study aimed to investigate whether attachment-anxiety, intolerance of uncertainty,...
- Magnetic Seizure Therapy in Refractory Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: La thérapie par convulsions magnétiques pour la prise en charge des troubles psychiatriques réfractaires : revue systématique et méta-analyseby Jake Prillo on December 10, 2024
CONCLUSIONS: Large-scale RCTs are necessary to confirm early signals of MST as an effective intervention in psychiatric disorders with a cognitive profile that is potentially more favourable than ECT.