Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW139
Diagnosis: Obsessive-Compuslive Personality Disorder
US Patients: Most commonly diagnosed personality disorder
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M2;W in diagnoses
Age Onset:
Brain Area:
Symptoms: obsessed with rules, order, perfectionism
Progression: Perfectionism, inability to delegate, rigidity and stubborness are stable; miserly spending and devotion to productivity.
Causes: Parents who provided necessities, but not wants nor desires may be factors, including 50% heredity.
Therapies: CBT, especially group CBT shows less anxiety and depression, increased extraversion and agreeableness, reduced neuroticism.
Youtube Video: Perfectionism vs. OCPD vs. OCD
Amazon or Library Book:
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Click the book to link or buy from Amazon.
Support Group: icodf.org; 617-973-5801 (International OCD Foundation – This website has a meeting directory.)
Contact your school for Special Education under the U. S. Department of Education’s individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 300.8.
Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,
Section 12.08.
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- State and Trait Disgust Uniquely Predict Avoidance in Contamination Fear: Specificity of Disease-Specific and Nonspecific Individual Differencesby Bunmi O Olatunji on January 15, 2025
Although behavioral avoidance is observed among those with heightened contamination concerns, the extent to which such avoidance is best predicted by state and/or trait characteristics is unclear. Furthermore, while disgust proneness is a disease-specific trait that has been shown to predict avoidance among those with symptoms of contamination-based obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), it is unclear if other disease-specific traits may also serve a similar function. In the present study,...
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BACKGROUND: While research has explored the connection between addiction and personality, no systematic study has examined how substance use disorders (SUD) and behavioral addictions specifically relate to the HEXACO model of personality. This systematic review and meta-analysis aim to fill this gap by investigating the association between HEXACO personality traits and various addictions, including illegal substances (e.g., narcotics and cannabis) and behavioral addictions (e.g., gambling,...
- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder increases cognitive inflexibility in people with coronary artery diseaseby Agne Stanyte on January 3, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary evidence suggests that individuals with CAD and comorbid OCPD traits show greater inflexibility than those without OCPD. Several OCPD traits were associated with slower planning, even after controlling them for age and gender. This may have implications for the success of rehabilitation.