Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. The condition can be short-term (acute) or can last a long time (chronic). It may also come and go. Acute insomnia lasts from 1 night to a few weeks. Insomnia is chronic when it happens at least 3 nights a week for 3 months or more.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W106
Diagnosis: Insomnia
US Patients: 20-30%
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M; W2
Age Onset:
Brain Area: sleep apnea; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis – releases cortisol;higher metabolic rates in PET brain scans; heritability
Symptoms: inability to fall or stay asleep; daytime sleepiness, low energy, depressed mood, dangerous lack fo concentration
Causes: alcohol/benzodiazapine/opioid-induced; changes in sex hormones in elderly
Medications: not recommended for more than five weeks;
Therapies: sleep hygiene = consistent bedtime; quiet and dark room, and regular exercise. CBT; overnight sleep study
Youtube Video: Insomnia: when you’ve tried everything
and still can’t sleep.
Amazon or Library Book: the insomnia workbook
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Support Group:; 800-950-6264
(National Alliance on Mental Illness)
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis
Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- Images: Pharmacological treatment of pediatric insomnia: a successful trial of doxepinby Xinhang Tu on January 28, 2025
No abstract
- Insights into prescribing patterns for antidepressants: an evidence-based analysisby Hua Min on January 28, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide valuable insights into the nuanced factors that shape evidence-based antidepressant prescribing practices, offering a foundation for more personalized, effective depression treatment. Further research is needed to validate these models in other extant databases. These findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of antidepressant prescribing practices and have the potential to improve patient outcomes in the management of depression.
- A Comprehensive Review of Psychosocial, Academic, and Psychological Issues Faced by University Students in Indiaby Mubashir Gull on January 28, 2025
CONCLUSION: Academic institutions should prioritise student mental health, as it affects academic performance and can lead to psychological disorders. Universities need Guidance and Counselling Cells staffed with professionals to help students manage psychosocial, academic, and psychological challenges.
- A comparative analysis of older patients with chewing difficulties due to temporomandibular disorders and tooth lossby Hye-Mi Jeon on January 28, 2025
CONCLUSION: Since the number of remaining teeth has a significant impact on the masticatory discomfort severity, restoring the occlusion through prosthodontic treatment is important to improve masticatory function. In patients with TMD, it is necessary to assess stress response and sleep quality, and a multidisciplinary treatment approach may be necessary to effectively address masticatory discomfort.