Dissociative Identity Disorder
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W068
Diagnosis: Dissociative Indentity Disorder (Split Personality)
US Patients:
World Patients: 1.5-2%
Sex Ratio: M;F6
Age Onset:
Brain Area:
Symptoms: at lest two distinct and relatively enduring personality states; involuntary and distressing; 16 identities are typical
Progression: Much of the 18-page Wikipedia description focused on the validity: actual vs. induced by inappropriate therapies.
Causes: May have been 90% from childhood abuse, war or childhood-medical procedures; like PTSD for adults
Youtube Video:
Dissociative Identity Disorder in Children and Teenagers
Amazon or Library Book: Dissociative Identity Disorder

I could not find this book on Amazon again,
but your library may still have it or borrow it for you through InterLibrary Loan.
Support Group: nami.org; 800-950-6264
(National Alliance on Mental Illness)
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