Developmental Coordination Disorder
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W061
Diagnosis: Developmental Coordination Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M4;W
Age Onset: Child
Brain Area:
Symptoms: children’s poor muscular coodination that most of them grow out of, poor short-term memory for procedures
Progression: (Jim Lohr: Apparently this is primarily with coordination and use of arms, wrists and hands.)
Causes: 50% have ADHD, may be “oversensitive” to textures, touch, hearing, etc. , poor visual-spatial memory
Therapies: physical therapy and occupational therapy
Youtube Video: Developmental Coordination Disorder
Youtube Video:
The Adolescent with DCD
Youtube Video:
My Friend, Josh, Has DCD.
Amazon or Library Book: Dyspraxia: A Parent’s Guide . .
Click the book to link or buy from Amazon.
Support Group: (Dyspraxia includes children
having difficulty coordinating motor skills and fine motor skills.)
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosisÂ
Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- Physical fitness assessment tools for children with developmental coordination disorder and their feasibility for low-income settings: A systematic reviewby Monica Maria do Nascimento on January 21, 2025
CONCLUSION: The findings evidenced several viable tools for testing physical fitness in children with DCD compared to typically developing peers from low-income countries. The most viable, as PERF-FIT, long jump and 6-min walk test should be used on large scale in low-income settings.
- Gesture screening in young infants: Highly sensitive to risk factors for communication delayby Katie Alcock on January 21, 2025
INTRODUCTION: Children's early language and communication skills are efficiently measured using parent report, for example, communicative development inventories (CDIs). These have scalable potential to determine risk of later language delay, and associations between delay and risk factors such as prematurity and poverty. However, there may be measurement difficulties in parent reports, including anomalous directions of association between child age/socioeconomic status and reported language....
- Motor dysfunction in preschool children exposed to zika virus during pregnancy and normocephalic at birth: Developmental Coordination Disorder and Minimal Neurological Dysfunctionby Isabella Cristina Mendes de Sá E Silva on January 21, 2025
The occurrence of motor dysfunctions was assessed at the age of 5 to 7 years in 61 normocephalic infants with prenatal Zika virus exposure. Traditional neurological examination, Touwen neurological examination, Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2) and the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ) were used to identify Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and Minimal Neurological Dysfunction (MND). A high frequency of motor dysfunctions was found,...
- Motor skills in children with ADHD: overlap with developmental coordination disorderby Emily J Meachon on January 18, 2025
Individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often have overlooked motor difficulties which can be at least partially attributed to co-occurring conditions such as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Understanding the influence of DCD and motor difficulties is important to detect in children for early support. Accordingly, the present study examined the prevalence of DCD diagnoses, cases of probable DCD, and related impairments among German-speaking parents of children...