Cyclothymic Disorder

A mood disorder that causes emotional highs and lows.

The mood shifts in cyclothymia aren’t as extreme as those in people with bipolar disorders. People with cyclothymia can typically function in daily life, though it may be difficult.

Symptoms include intermittent psychological highs and lows that may become more pronounced over time.

Treatment usually involves counseling and therapy. In rare cases, medications may be used.


Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W051
Diagnosis: Cyclothemic Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: M1;F1
Age Onset: Age 17
Brain Area:
Symptoms: mild depressive symptoms periodically, usually in a family with bipolar disorder; mentally and socially withdrawn
Progression: rotate between depressive and mild manic states with more spontaneity, self-esteem, spending; thoughts faster
Medications: lithium, mood stabilizers
Therapies: counseling

Youtube Video: A Case Study in Psychothymic Disorder

Amazon or Library Book:

Understanding Cyclothymia and Bipolar Disorder

Click the book to link or order from Amazon.

Support Group:; Online;

(Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance)

Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,

Section 12.04.


The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis 

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PubMed article’s summary-abstract.

  • Homocysteine, hopelessness, rumination, affective temperaments, and clinical course in patients with bipolar disorder-1
    by Esat Fahri Aydın on May 7, 2024

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings may lead clinical efforts and future clinical trials to explore and intervene in related sources and presentations of BD-1's adverse consequences.

  • Predominant affective temperaments in depressive patients with severe social withdrawal
    by Laura Orsolini on March 20, 2024

    CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary findings could help in clinically characterizing the relationship between specific affective temperamental profiles among individuals with depression with/without HK specifier, in order to provide a more tailored and personalized therapeutic approach. Our Italian study should be extensively replicated in larger, longitudinal and multicentric pan-European studies, by specifically assessing the impact of these findings on depression clinical course, prognosis and...

  • Decreased dynamic variability of the cerebellum in the euthymic patients with bipolar disorder
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    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggested that patients with euthymic BD exhibit less flexibility of temporal functional activities in the cerebellum posterior lobes compared to either depressed patients or healthy individuals. These results could contribute to the development of neuropathological models of BD, ultimately leading to improved diagnosis and treatment of this complex illness.

  • Evolutionary aspects of bipolar affective illness
    by Janusz Rybakowski on February 12, 2024

    Bipolar affective illness (bipolar disorder - BD), also known as manic-depressive illness, is characterized by periodic opposite states of mood, activity, and motivation (mania and depression) sometimes of extreme intensity. The development and maintenance of such states in evolution can betoken a possibility of their adaptive character, enabling adaptation to an unfavorable external situation (depression) and a mobilization to using resources when available (mania). In the article, the main...