Cannabis Disorder
Cannabis use disorder (CUD), also known as cannabis addiction or marijuana addiction, is defined in the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and ICD-10 as the continued use of cannabis despite clinically significant impairment.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W033
Diagnosis: Cannabis (Marijuana) Use Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients :
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset:
Brain Area:
Symptoms: develops tolerance, requiring increased use, 15% of daily users become addicted
Progression: withdrawal, tolerance, use of time, cravings;1/3 of users transition to schizophrenia
Medications: None with consistent, positive results; 9% of users become dependent.
Youtube Video: Cannabis Use Disorder
Amazon or Library Book: Quitting Weed
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Support Group: marijuana-anonymous/find-a-meeting; Online
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis
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PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- The Moderating Role of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Schizophrenia on the Relationship between Autistic Traits and Psychosis Expression in the General Populationby Melike Karacam Dogan on March 24, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: People with high ATs were more likely to have PEs when exposed to CT. Trauma screening and early interventions might be warranted in this at-risk population.
- Substance use among healthcare professionals: A cross-sectional study in Kenyaby Jasmit Shah on March 24, 2025
Substance use among healthcare professionals, including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, benzodiazepines etc., is a rising concern. The immensity of substance use is not yet clear, though recently, studies conducted on medical students and physician trainees show that 10% to 15% of all healthcare professionals misuse drugs at some point in their career, and that 6% to 8% of physicians have a substance use disorder. Substance use has a direct impact on relationships, physical health, and job...
- Impulsivity traits moderate the longitudinal association between mental health and hazardous cannabis use in emerging adultsby Alba González-Roz on March 24, 2025
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to examine longitudinal changes in past-month cannabis use and hazardous cannabis use over 1 year in emerging adults and to examine the prospective associations between changes in depression, anxiety, stress and hazardous cannabis use, using age, sex and impulsivity as potential moderators.
- Substance use disorder in basal cell carcinoma patients: patterns from a propensity-scored studyby Amritpal Kooner on March 22, 2025
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