Caffeine Withdrawal
Caffeine withdrawal can occur in anyone who regularly consumes caffeine and then abruptly discontinues its use. Common symptoms include headache, fatigue, low energy, irritability, anxiety, poor concentration, depressed mood and tremors, which can last anywhere from two to nine days.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number:
Diagnosis: W032
US Patients: Caffeine (Withdrawal)
World Patients: 84% daily
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset:
Brain Area:
Symptoms: interrupts adenosine’s natural tiredness inside of the blood-brain barrier, stimulates dopamine
Progression: reduces fatigue and drowsiness; improves reaction time, concentration and motor coordination.
Causes: primary benefit 1 hour – 3-4 hours after drinking; limit 2 cups during pregnancy; 3 cups during breast-feeding
Medications: withdrawal may induce sleepiness, irritability, headache and fatigue
Therapies: reducing caffeine decreases anxiety, jitters, anxiety attacks, depression and suicide
Amazon or Library Book: Caffeine Blues
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.
Support Group: SAMHSA; 800-662-4647;
(U.S. Government, Substance Abuse &
Mental Health Services Administration)
The world-wide medical research
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- Network analysis of caffeine use disorder, withdrawal symptoms, and psychiatric symptomsby Mohammadreza Davoudi on January 21, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: Mental health providers should target these specific symptoms in clinical interventions to mitigate caffeine-related problems among individuals in the general population effectively.
- Withdrawal Syndromesby Mohit Gupta on January 1, 2025
Substance withdrawal is a common medical problem and is widely prevalent in many countries. Each withdrawal syndrome has 2 primary characteristics: a compensatory physiologic adaptation, which is intrinsic to the continuous exposure of the body to a drug or substance, and when decreasing amounts of the substance are available, the withdrawal develops. In addition, substances that produce withdrawal can be treated with the same or similar drug to relieve and treat the symptoms.
- Blood metabolomic profiling reveals new targets in the management of psychological symptoms associated with severe alcohol use disorderby Sophie Leclercq on November 29, 2024
CONCLUSIONS: Our data allow the identification of neuroactive metabolites, from interactions between food components and microbiota, which may represent new targets arising in the management of neuropsychiatric diseases such as sAUD.
- Anxiety modulators elicit different behavioral outcomes in adult zebrafish: Emphasis on homebase-related parameters and spatio-temporal explorationby João V Borba on November 24, 2024
Anxiety is an emotion that represents a crucial anticipatory reaction of aversive stimuli, with clinical relevance in cases of disproportional and severe occurrences. Although distinct animal models have contributed to elucidate anxiety-related mechanisms, the influence of anxiogenic and anxiolytic modulations on both locomotion and exploration-related parameters in the open field test (OFT) is not fully elucidated. Here, we aimed to assess the influence of anxiogenic and anxiolytic...