Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder is a subclass of the DSM-5 diagnosis of substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder.


Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W029
Diagnosis: Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset:
Brain Area: passes the blood-brain barrier; affects hippocampus, cerebral cortex, thalamus
Symptoms: 2+ cups of coffee develops effect
Progression: immediately affects anxiety-but not long-term
Medications: anti-anxiety medications
Therapies: None provided.

Youtube Video: Quit Coffee – No headaches

Amazon or Library Book: Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Click the book to link or order from Amazon.

Support Group: caffeineaddictsanonymous; On-line


The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis 

Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.

  • JM-20 potently prevents the onset of caffeine-induced anxiogenic phenotypes in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
    by Matheus Mülling Dos Santos on January 18, 2024

    Anxiety is among the most prevalent mental disorders present in the general population. Benzodiazepines are the most commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of anxiety. Using zebrafish as a model organism, we investigated the anxiolytic activity of JM-20, a novel hybrid molecule with a 1,5-benzodiazepine ring fused to a dihydropyridine moiety. Firstly, we carried out some assays to analyze the possible toxicity mediated by JM-20. For this, zebrafish were exposed to different JM-20...

  • Inversely Regulated Inflammation-Related Processes Mediate Anxiety-Obesity Links in Zebrafish Larvae and Adults
    by Hila Yehuda on July 14, 2023

    Anxiety and metabolic impairments are often inter-related, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. To seek RNAs involved in the anxiety disorder-metabolic disorder link, we subjected zebrafish larvae to caffeine-induced anxiety or high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity followed by RNA sequencing and analyses. Notably, differentially expressed (DE) transcripts in these larval models and an adult zebrafish caffeine-induced anxiety model, as well as the transcript profiles of inherently anxious...

  • Sleep-promoting activity of amylase-treated Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera L. Dunal) root extract via GABA receptors
    by Chun Woong Park on June 19, 2023

    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera L. Dunal), an Indian medicinal plant that has been used for centuries to treat insomnia, exhibits a variety of biological activities, such as improving cognitive function, immunity and anxiety. In this study, the effect of enzyme-treated Ashwagandha root extract (EA) and on sleep was evaluated using rodent models. Starch contained in the Ashwagandha root extract was removed by amylase treatment to prepare EA. To evaluate the sleep-promoting activity of EA, a...

  • Lifetime caffeine and adolescent nicotine exposure in mice: effects on anxiety-like behavior and reward
    by Ana Carolina Dutra-Tavares on April 3, 2023

    Caffeine consumption occurs throughout life, while nicotine use typically begins during adolescence, the period when caffeine-nicotine epidemiological association begins in earnest. Despite that, few studies in animal models parallel the pattern of coexposure that occurs in humans. Therefore, the neurobehavioral consequences of the association between these drugs remain unclear. Here, we exposed Swiss mice to lifetime caffeine. Caffeine solutions of 0.1 g/L (CAF0.1), 0.3 g/L (CAF0.3), or water...