Bulimia Nervosa
A serious eating disorder marked by binging, followed by methods to avoid weight gain.
Bulimia is a potentially life-threatening eating disorder.
People with this condition binge eat. They then take steps to avoid weight gain. Most commonly, this means vomiting (purging). But it can also mean excessive exercising or fasting.
Treatments include counseling, medications, and nutrition education.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W028
Diagnosis: Bulimia Nervosa
US Patients: About 1%
World Patients: 3.6M
Sex Ratio: M;W9
Age Onset: G13-20
Brain Area: pfc, cingulates, insula cortices
Symptoms: binge eating & vomiting/laxatives; vomit-then-binge cycles
Progression: tooth breakdown, depression, drugs, self-harm, suicide; uncontrolled serotonin
Causes: fixation on thinness and body image from media. African-American women 1.5X that of Caucasian women
Medications: antidepressants
Therapies: CBT, (Jim Lohr: less attention to thin models in the media?) family therapy+C3:C14
Youtube Video: Bulimia Nervosa
Amazon or Library Book:
Eating Disorders Explained
Amazon or Library Book:
Bulimia Nervosa and Eating Disorder
Click the book to link or buy from Amazon.
Click the book to link or buy from Amazon.
Support Group: allianceforeatingdisorders.com (On-line)
Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,
Section 12.13.
The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis
Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.
- Theory-driven assessment of cognitive flexibility in bulimia nervosa: a preliminary studyby Eyal Heled on January 21, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: Women with BN present with an impairment only on higher CF demands, whereas their performance at lower-level CF tends to be more accurate. Additionally, CF is independent of clinical characteristics, thus supporting evidence that it may reflect a trait nature in BN.
- Evaluative Research on Psychodynamic Therapy: Foundations and Recent Advancesby Fabian Guénolé on January 21, 2025
Psychodynamic therapy (PDT), a technical adaptation of psychoanalysis, is one of the most widely practiced forms of psychotherapy, making evaluative research on it essential. Although research on PDT has been ongoing for several decades, theoretical and practical challenges initially hindered the adoption of evidence-based medicine standards in such research, a shift that has largely taken place over the past 20 years. This article reviews the evolution of evaluative research on PDT for mental...
- Descriptives and genetic correlates of eating disorder diagnostic transitions and presumed remission in the Danish registryby Mohamed Abdulkadir on January 19, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: The authors found that most ED patients did not experience diagnostic transitions but were more likely to experience a period of presumed remission. Both diagnostic transitions and presumed remission have significant polygenic component.
- The roles of impulsivity, comorbid ADHD, and borderline personality disorder in patients with bulimia nervosaby Susanne Gilsbach on January 18, 2025
CONCLUSION: Comorbidity with ADHD and BPD often is prevalent in BN and associated with an increase in impulsivity, the latter being a relevant transdiagnostic trait. It might be beneficial to explore impulsivity as well as comorbidities in the clinical care of patients with BN.