Health Sci Rep. 2025 Mar 11;8(3):e70561. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.70561. eCollection 2025 Mar.


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Psychological disorders like anxiety and depression are prevalent among dental professionals, being responsible for negatively affecting their mental health. Such factors are detrimental and may lead to suicidal thoughts and ideation. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of anxiety and depression on suicidal thoughts and ideation among dental professionals in Pakistan.

METHODS: This descriptive, cross-sectional study formulated a self-reporting online questionnaire of dental professionals of Karachi, Pakistan between September and December 2023. The online questionnaire consisted of demographics and validated tools to measure anxiety using GAD-7, depression using PHQ-9, and Suicide thoughts and ideation using SIDAS.

RESULTS: A total of 636 dental professionals were recruited in the study. Overall, 76.1% of the participants reported moderate to severe anxiety, 64.1% experienced moderate to severe depression, and 11.9% of participants reported high levels of suicidal thoughts and ideation. Anxiety and depression had a statistically significant association with suicide among dental professionals (p-value < 0.001).

CONCLUSION: This study highlights the positive association of anxiety and depression with suicidal ideation and thoughts among dental professionals. Hence, it is important to monitor the mental health of dental professionals and provide essential health and support to overcome such psychological distress.

PMID:40078901 | PMC:PMC11896810 | DOI:10.1002/hsr2.70561