Vaginismus is a condition involving a muscle spasm in the pelvic floor muscles. It can make it painful, difficult, or impossible to have sexual intercourse, to undergo a gynecological exam, and to insert a tampon.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: PW223
Diagnosis: Vaginismus
US Patients: 0.5 of 1% – Outcomes are usually good with treatment.
World Patients:
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset: first vaginal intercourse
Brain Area:
Symptoms: involuntary muscle spasms stop penetration into the vagina giving pain with sex, a speculum or a tampon; tensing may be from fear
Progression: Pain results.
Causes: muscle contractions, yeast infections or trauma during childbirth, drying of the vaginal tissues after menopause
Medications: additional lubricants, kegel exercises to strengthen muscles; Botox or lidocaine may help.
Therapies: behavioral therapy with gradual vaginal dilation may help
Youtube Video: Vaginismus Explained
Amazon or Library Book: Breaking the Cycle of Pain: Vaginismus
Click the book to link or order from Amazon.