Sexual Masochism Disorder

Resources for Patients and Caregivers

Sexual masochism involves acts in which a person experiences sexual excitement from being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise abused. Sexual masochism disorder is sexual masochism that causes significant distress or substantially interferes with daily functioning.


Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: 40-Sexual Masochism Disorder
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio: 
Age Onset: 
Brain Area: 

Youtube Video: Masochism (I could not find a video on sexual masochism. Jim Lohr, Compiler)

Amazon or Library Book: Anatomy of Masochism

Click the book to link or order from Amazon.

Resources for Physicians, Counselors and Researchers


The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis 

Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.

  • What's God Got to Do With It? The Relationship Between Religion, Sadism, and Masochism
    by Brooke Davis on March 27, 2025

    Although "BDSM" (i.e., bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism) has become increasingly present in popular media in recent years, much remains unknown about the etiology and correlates of BDSM. Research has demonstrated a relationship between religion and sexual behaviours/attitudes; therefore, religion could also be associated with sadism and masochism. To address gaps in existing knowledge, we conducted an online survey of 515 participants who answered a questionnaire...

  • Exploring sexual desire and fantasies: a cross-sectional online study on gender differences on Iranian adults
    by Rezvan Shekarchi on March 17, 2025

    Background Sexual fantasies represent a cognitive pattern that influences sexual activation and desire. This study aims to investigate the relationship between sexual fantasies, sexual desire and overall sexual functioning among Iranian adults. Methods A total of 1353 volunteers from the general population participated by filling out questionnaires including, the Sexual Desire and Erotic Fantasies Questionnaire, the International Index of Erectile Function and the Female Sexual Function Index....

  • Sexual Excitation and Inhibition Moderate the Strength of Concordance Between Paraphilic Interests and Behaviors
    by Sacha Maimone on December 24, 2024

    The concordance between paraphilic interest and behavior is moderate to strong in previous studies. In the present study, we examined whether sexual excitation (SE) and sexual inhibition (SI) moderate the concordance between paraphilic interest and behavior, across several paraphilic themes. We expected that stronger concordance would be found at high levels of SE and weaker concordance would be found at high levels of SI, for both men and women. We expected stronger effects when high levels of...

  • Bion/Winnicott encounter: absence, failure and the negative in the work of Bion and Winnicott
    by Howard B Levine on November 25, 2024

    After the death of Freud, a major thrust of the expansion of psychoanalytic theory involved the increasing recognition that the actuality of the emotional functioning of the object,-the primary objects in the infant's development, the analyst as object in the treatment process-were crucial determinants of developmental and therapeutic outcome. This recognition has been the driving force behind the evolution of various iterations of the role of interaction, inter-affectivity and intersubjectivity...