Paraphilic Disorders

Resources for Patients and Caregivers

Paraphilic disorders are recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors that are distressing or disabling and that involve inanimate objects, children or nonconsenting adults, or suffering or humiliation of oneself or the partner with the potential to cause harm.


Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: 35-Paraphila (Sex-Related) Disorder
Diagnosis: (previously known as sexual perversion and sexual deviation)
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset: 
Brain Area: 
Symptoms: “Paraphilia” has 549 variations of unusual sexual interests. They are permanent.
Progression: Wikipedia presents an extensive history of “normalizing” these urges and acts.
Therapies: Currently, they are designed to reduce the patient’s anxieties but eliminate criminal actions.

Youtube Video: Paraphilic Disorders

Amazon or Library Book: Perversion

Click the book to link or order from Amazon.

Contact your local Social Security office for possible Disability Benefits through their Disability Determination Services,

Section 12.08.

Resources for Physicians, Counselors and Researchers


The world-wide medical research
reports chosen for each diagnosis 

Clicking each title opens the
PubMed article’s summary-abstract.

  • Intersex Pretenders
    by Peggy Cadet on May 14, 2024

    False claims of having an intersex condition have been observed in print, video, Internet media, and in live presentations. Claims of being intersexed in publicly accessible media were examined and evidence that they were false was considered sufficiently conclusive in 37 cases. Falsity was most often detected due to medical implausibility and/or inconsistency, but sometimes also using information from third-party or published sources. The majority, 26/37, of cases were natal males; 11/37 were...

  • Dark Tetrad personality traits, paraphilic interests, and the role of impulsivity: an EEG-study using a Go/No-Go paradigm
    by Maria M Lassche on May 13, 2024

    Maladaptive personality traits, such as 'dark personalities' are found to result in a diverse set of negative outcomes, including paraphilic interests and associated (illegal) behaviors. It is however unclear how these are exactly related, and if related, if then only those individuals higher on dark personality traits and higher impulsivity engage in paraphilic behaviors. In the current study, 50 participants were recruited to investigate the relationship between Dark Tetrad personality traits...

  • The Spanish Short Dark Tetrad (SD4): Association With Personality and Psychological Problems
    by Jordi Ortet-Walker on April 25, 2024

    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the SD4 presents sound psychometric properties, although the overlap between psychopathy and sadism warrants some caution.

  • Chemsex - drug use primarily orientated around a sexual experience - Patients that fall through the gaps
    by Matthew Scott Watson on April 24, 2024

    Drug use in a sexualised context provides unique challenges both in specialised clinics (psychiatric and sexual health clinics) as well as general practice. Layered onto this leads some inequalities in health care to poorer outcomes in specific groups. This article aims to provide evidence based harm reduction strategies that can easily be applied in primary care to reduce complications, identify those at higher risk and deploy appropriate treatments.